Holmes United Methodist Women
Holmes’ United Methodist Women
President: Caroline Williams
Secretary: Christine Franks
The UMW continues to meet monthly to actively support the church and reach out to the community and beyond. The Spaghetti Dinner continues to be the primary fund raiser for the UMW which is held twice a year in May and November. Sharing our time, talents and funds.
We work to support the Holmes United Methodist Church and its mission in every way possible.
If you like more information, please contact Caroline or Christine.
Here are some of our activities:
Food donations to local families in need
Thanksgiving Baskets
Adopt-a-family at Christmas
Donation to Operation Christmas Child
Flood Buckets for flood victims
Heifer Fund
Gifts for graduating seniors, Sunday School teachers, new babies, weddings, sympathy and get well plants / flowers, birthday and anniversary cards through the Sunshine Fund.
Easter Dawn Breakfast
Birthing Kits
Funeral luncheons
Monthly coffee hours
Support to our ASP Youth Mission.