“Father Knows Best”

June 18th, 2023 - Happy Father's Day

-Deacon Ken Ritter-

"Father knows Best"

Father Abraham- God said he would give Abraham as many sons as there are in the night sky.

Father's should be the sparkle in our families, the sparkle of God's image.

Gospel reading was about the prodigal son.

"Father knows Best." — The show ran until the 1960s. check it out on YouTube if you haven't seen it. The basis of the story is Robert Young and Jamie White. They have 2 girls and a son in the 1950s. He would come home from work in hos suit and tie. He would change into his relaxing clothes and would keep his tye on. The dad always had time to work with the kids to solve their problems with them. Jim had compassion.

"Leave it to Beever." That dad was also compassionate and loving. He guided the kids and lead them.

Both dads show that Father's know best.

What does today's TV show us?

The Goldbergs- That dad strips at the door, sits and does nothing, he expects everyone to cater to him and then calls his kids Morons.

Let's compare the two.

Are these signs of the times and our culture today? Could something be said about that?

It is kind of the same with church today.

It is how Kids, Moms and Dads act... Do people come to church anymore? The lessons in the Bible are timeless and endless advice, given for generations. Where is the Bible today? The advice is Timeless and tells us how to live. Our heavenly father knows best. God knows when we are going to mess up and tells us how to fix our problems. You just have to read the Bible. Our fathers aren't going to do everything for us all the time, we have to out in effort too. We have to make the choice to come to God for ALL things. not just little things. Of we come to God, he will help us in DUE SEASON.

Our Heavenly Father- is like the father in the prodigal son story. We as kids are going to mess up. Our God is so great that he is watching and waiting for us. He is forgiving.

The prodigal son messes up, is offensive and looses everything and yet he comes back and his father celebrates and forgives him. God is always there to pick us up when things get bad. He is there for us and will be there to celebrate.

Our Father is so great and so loving that he waiting for us, and wants us to come home safe and sound to him.



Things are not always as they appear to be


“Preparing Your Soil for the Harvest.”